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Nupur Jalan

“Happy to share knowledge, Ideas and life experience on a wide range of topics”
About Me


Years of Experience

Nupur Jalan is a consultant in finance, tax, and legal domain and an interdisciplinary researcher. She has a keen interest in tech. She has gained experience from working with a variety of consulting firms and in-house roles.

Nupur enjoys exploring a wide range of topics and bringing an interdisciplinary perspective to her research and writing. She has contributed to numerous research papers, articles, and book chapters covering a wide range of subjects. She has spoken and participated in various events on different topics. Her educational background includes multiple degrees, diplomas, and certifications in areas such as tax, finance, valuation, legal, and other related fields.

Beyond her professional endeavours, Nupur has a personal interest in spirituality and enjoys sharing her life experiences. She enjoys reading about self-improvement topics and discussing those with others. She finds joy in providing support, encouragement, and inspiration to others.

Believe in yourself and your abilities no matter where the journey of life takes you. With strong determination and hard work, you can achieve anything you set your mind to..-nupur jalan

Who She is?

‘Without dreams, perseverance, and hard work, no goal is attainable, and one should always seek new horizons. She lives by this golden rule each day and it defines who she is as an individual.

She carries a professional experience of more than 10+ years. She is a member of various professional organizations that allow her to engage with her peers and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Some of them include being member of:

  • Sub-committee on international taxation, Chartered Institute of Taxation, UK
  • TheNTWK, Hub of Knowledge about Digital Business Models
  • Crypto Valley Association
  • Robotics and AI Law Society
  • International Fiscal Association
  • G100, Leadership, and Entrepreneurial Education Wing

She has been part of organizing committee of many events. As a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) India, she enjoyed being part of the organizing committee for several of their events. She is a special invitee to the IFA India NRC Executive Committee.

She has received several awards and accolades including Fellowship from the Foundation of International Taxation (FIT), Uma Sathnur – FIT scholarship for pursuing my Advanced LLM in International tax from the University of Amsterdam.

She enjoys learning new languages. She is a native Hindi speaker and is fluent in English, which has helped her to communicate effectively in both personal and professional contexts. Additionally, she have worked hard to develop intermediate proficiency in German and elementary proficiency in Dutch.

  1. Author

    I possess a strong track record of publications, with multiple papers and book chapters published under my name.

  2. Speaker

    I had the privilege of speaking at multiple events on diverse range of topics.

  3. Advisor

    I have advised numerous clients on a range of complex and diverse, spanning across different geographical locations and industries worldwide.

  4. Blogger

    I like writing diverse blogs on various topics.

About Me

Tax Consultant

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Legal Consultant

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Web 3 Consultant

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Sustainability consultant

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Valuation consultant

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Finance consultant

The research aims at analysing the explainable AI models and their capabilities of use in the field of dispute resolution processes in courts.

Relying on AI results/ predictive justice without knowing on what basis the algorithms arrived at a particular outcome would not be fair for the affected party. Explainable AI can be helpful in dispute resolution by providing precise and understandable explanations for the decisions and actions of an AI system. This can help build trust in the system and provide valuable information and insights that can be used to resolve disputes. With the increase in talks around predictive justice or the use of AI in the law field, it has become essential to analyze to what extent the use of AI is reliable.

The research aims at analysing the explainable AI models and their capabilities of use in the field of dispute resolution processes in courts. It will also draw on the limitations of using explainable AI models and will analyze to what extent reliance can be placed on explainable AI models for using AI in dispute resolution processes. Also, AI laws/ regulations of certain countries will be analysed to see what guidelines/ regulations exist on the use of explainable AI models. Further, an analysis will also be made on the guidelines that can be developed for the use of explainable AI models more ethically and responsibly, especially where AI is used in the dispute resolution processes.

The research aims at analyzing the effectiveness and implications of different carbon pricing mechanisms, with a focus on regulatory and tax implications.

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, countries, and organizations are increasingly turning to carbon pricing as a tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon pricing refers to policies that put a price on carbon emissions, either through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system. These mechanisms aim to incentivize companies and individuals to reduce their carbon footprint and transition to more sustainable practices.

There are various carbon pricing mechanisms in use around the world, each with its own regulatory and tax implications. Ultimately, the most effective carbon pricing mechanism will depend on the specific context and goals of a given country or organization. Also, it is essential to consider the broader implications of carbon pricing, including its potential impacts on low-income households, investment in clean energy technologies, and support for affected industries.

To ensure that carbon pricing policies are effective and equitable, it is crucial to establish transparent regulatory frameworks to monitor and enforce compliance with emissions limits, allocate emissions permits, and support the transition to clean energy. Additionally, governments and organizations must work together to address social and environmental concerns related to carbon pricing and ensure that vulnerable populations are not disproportionately impacted by higher energy costs. A well-designed and implemented carbon pricing system can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions while spurring innovation and investment in clean energy technologies, creating new job opportunities, and driving economic growth.

The research aims at covering a set of different sub-topics.

  • One part of the research aims at analyzing the regulatory and tax implications surrounding different variants of Digital assets.
  • The other aspect of the research is to analyze the blockchain and distributed ledger technology and find more used cases of it in the finance, legal, and tax segment.

The research in this segment aims at finding different used cases in tax/ transfer pricing which can be streamlined better using technology and building an outlay for those used cases.

Tax technology, or taxtech, is an emerging field that seeks to harness technological advancements to optimize tax compliance and reporting. As tax regulations become more intricate and the volume of data to be processed continues to grow, the use of taxtech has the potential to dramatically transform the way businesses manage their taxes.

One of the key advantages of taxtech is increased efficiency, as it allows for the automation of routine tax processes like data collection and analysis. Moreover, tax tech provides businesses with real-time insights, thereby empowering them to make better-informed decisions and remain compliant with applicable tax regulations.

The current used cases on which I am working along with others are Operational Transfer Pricing and Cash Pooling transactions.



This is mainly continued research on the different aspects of the subject topic from the years. In the past, I have authored/ co-authored multiple papers related to the subject topic.

The digital economy has created many new opportunities for businesses and individuals, but it has also presented challenges for taxation. Traditional tax systems were designed for physical goods and services, which are relatively easy to track and tax. However, digital goods and services are often intangible and can be easily moved across borders, making it difficult for tax authorities to determine where they should be taxed and how much tax should be paid.

To address these challenges, many countries have implemented or proposed new tax rules to better capture the value generated by the digital economy. For example, some countries have implemented digital services taxes, which apply a tax on revenues generated by certain digital services, such as online advertising and marketplace platforms. Various countries have proposed or implemented changes to international tax rules, such as the OECD’s BEPS 2.0 project, which aims to reform international tax rules to better reflect the digital economy.

Though BEPS 2.0 project involving Pillar 1 & Pillar 2 solutions is not entirely about the digital economy, this proposal does address some of the challenges that were faced in regard to taxation in the digital economy.

The objective of this research is to examine the diverse e-invoicing laws implemented in various countries and the challenges that businesses encounter due to these differences. In addition, this study aims to evaluate the necessity of harmonization in e-invoicing laws, along with potential solutions that can be implemented to address the existing discrepancies.

E-invoicing laws vary significantly across the globe, with different countries adopting unique approaches to regulate electronic invoicing. These laws range from simple requirements for businesses to issue electronic invoices to more complex systems that require specific invoicing formats, approval processes, and digital signatures. These variations can pose significant challenges for businesses operating across multiple jurisdictions, as they must comply with a myriad of regulations and adapt to varying invoicing procedures.

To mitigate these challenges, it is crucial to explore the possibility of harmonizing e-invoicing laws. Harmonization would involve developing a standardized framework that would provide a consistent approach to e-invoicing regulations across the globe. This would facilitate a more streamlined invoicing process, resulting in cost savings for businesses and enhanced efficiency in tax collection for governments.

Potential solutions for harmonization may include the development of a global e-invoicing standard, which would provide a common basis for e-invoicing laws worldwide. Alternatively, a system of mutual recognition could be implemented, which would enable different countries to recognize and accept electronic invoices issued in other jurisdictions.

In conclusion, this study seeks to shed light on the diverse e-invoicing laws around the world, the challenges they pose for businesses, and the need for harmonization. The findings of this research may provide insights into potential solutions to promote global harmonization in e-invoicing regulations, ultimately benefiting businesses and governments alike.

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